Friday, May 16, 2014

Mi Vida Loca!

It has been sooooooo long since I blogged I dont even know where to begin, nor do I necessarily have any one thing I want to talk about. I just missed blogging and Im trying to come back to it as often as I can. Life has been up and down but I've been learning so many lessons throughout the past year. I cant believe in 2 months I'll be turning the big 35 Its crazy I dont look nor feel it and I think you're only as old as you feel. I definitely have alot of living left to do and so many things on my bucket list that I want to continue to check off. I did a flash mob at my job last week..... Awesome! We all did the Happy dance to Pharell with the doctors and nurses. In just 6 months I've gone from a job at the mortgage company to working in a Hospital which im LOVING at the moment. It keeps me busy and I feel like its one step closer to my goals. I get to rub noses with the Doctors and nurses and get a first hand glimpse of what its like to be an RN. I give them much credit. They work HARD. As for my weight gain journey I just stopped being focused on it and would you know I've been picking up a little weight. :) About 7 lbs so far. I'll take it! lol I have alot of different things I want to blog about which I'll address sometime during the next week. My tv shows Ive been watching, some celeb gossip, my fashion ideas and some of the random fun things I have planned for this summer. I will be speaking about this whole Jay Z and Solange elevator battle, and some of my fav reality shows and all types of things coming up. Also have you ever crowd surfed at a Waka Flaka concert??? I feel like its necessary. And I'll probably be doing that before the year is out. The crowd is super rowdy and I might break a limb but it looks like a rack of fun. Dont judge me Im impulsive and random. Love it or hate it but thats me :)