Anyway Im just sitting here thinking gotdamn I want to do TOO much sometimes.
Im trying to finish school, start a business (this idea just came within the past 2 months) get into radio, blog, learn to sew, cook half the good things I see on food network and be a mommy. WHEW!
I was SOOOOOOOO insired by a fashion site today. The thought of picking out my own unique fabric and making my own clothes just excites me. I needed a hobby anyway. So learning to sew will be my next small task. I'll take a class when I get a break in classes. And I hope Im good because if I am that will solve a world of issues with being so tall. :)
I can make my own peacoats and skirts and tops for TALL chicks like myself. The peacoat struggle is real. Its nothing worse fashion wise than seeing something super cute and fashionable, you try it on and the sleeves are too short or the pants are too short. It super sucks.
So how much is too much?
I asked the question is it best to pursue multiple goals at once whether they be big or small?
They say dont be a jack of all trades but a master of noneIn my mind that applies to the big goals in life. So my priorities in order are
GETTING the hell out of Richmond and moving to my new city
Learning to sew
Working on starting the business
Get into radio (intern possibly)
everything else will just come at random when I feel the urge.
sidenote: it feels good to be busy doing things. My mind is churning again. Not working had been driving my slowly insane. Now that I have school to do daily it gives me that gusto for life that had been missing a little. Feels good to be up early in the am going somewhere
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