Thursday, December 20, 2012


Its been SOOOOOOO long since I blogged but trust me the thoughts and feelings have been here needing an outlet. I was trying to sleep tonight and I thought about all the hoopla surrounding doomsday. Man does not know the day or the hour when the world will end so I find it entertaining to see people going to such extremes thinking tomorrow will be the last day. However.... in my trail of random thoughts it made me think about the victims of the Conneticut elementary school shooting.

As I lay holding my child in my arms I thought about how numb we have become. Every few weeks something huge happens, we see loss of life in large numbers, we have countries that have no unity, mass shootings, kidnappings, murders etc. We see these things so often and at that moment it grabs our heart, and the next thing you know  life moves on for us.....

We're back on the 9-5 or the routine and how soon we forget all the tragedy that people have endured. It made me question bringing another child into a world like this... In a way its almost an injustice to bring a child into a world full of so much danger, and animosity, and hate. It shoudnt be normal to see some of the tragedies that I witness on TV now but this is the world that we live in and normal is exactly what it has become.

I like to think of myself as a humanitarian, as someone who was put here on this earth to make a difference and to be that person that hasnt become numb to it all. Alot of times when people have moved past the last "big thing" I think back to it and I wonder about the families and the loss of life. Its just who I am. But it all leads me to do soul searching figuring out what I can do to help.

This return blog is for sure not warm and fuzzy but just my thoughts as so called doomsday rolls in.
My opinion we been living in doomsday for the past 20 years. This so called life is full of paranoia because you never know whats next.

No pics with this blog tonight just had to get my thoughts out.

Until than,


and for those that think tomorrows the last day I'll make sure to blog tomorrow to tell you suckers how wrong you were   ;0)

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