Thursday, May 31, 2012

DANCE BABY!!!! Random Volume 3

The more I blog the more therapeutic it becomes for me.
I've been doing alot of thinking lately about what people are really passionate about. What drives you? What makes your soul wake up?

Everyone that knows me knows I want this nursing degree so bad I can taste it, and Im super close to that.....BUT

If I wasnt pursuing a career in nursing you know what I would be??

a mothafuckin dancer. Like an ABDC, so you think you can dance bad ass type of chick pop lockin, breaking, doing mj moves and flipping over rows of 7-8 people, snaking and than crump dancing to the end of the stage like WHAT. That shit EXCITES me. I already know the whole scenario for Rihanna where have you been and I give you a real show!

Ok I got that off my chest. I feel better,
But on another note who's to say I cant be that? Whats stopping me? Nothing but me really. If I wanted to go out and pursue that I could do it. But its that fear of the unknown. what would happen could I make it? I would love to drop all my books and just dance, dance til it hurts, dance til I can barely catch a breath. But that reward and satisfaction at the end of captivating your audience and also challenging yourself to do moves you maybe thought you couldnt pull off. But you do it, you keep getting up and perfecting your moves until one day you have it down pat and you're damn near perfect.

So where is the market for a tall slim 32 year old in shape woman that wants to get the fk DOWN and do backflips and shit. LOLLLLLL. No one will take me seriously so I guess I just got to join a dance program and we get better and better, than you gonna look and see me doing choreographed moves with Rihanna and Beyonce..  Throw me up in the air and I promise I'll land on my feet.Im trying to get down with rhythm nation and step and do all types of shit.
A girl can dream cant she? LOL

Until than


1 comment:

  1. you know what??? your real gift is writing you should write a book. Hee larry us
